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and hello adik-adik yang sedang survey course degree. 😎

So this post is written especially for those who have interest in Biomedical Science,
particularly the one offered in UPM.
I first wrote this post back in 2015, when I was still in my 2nd year.
Now, I am back in 2018 to update this as a fresh biomedic graduate.

So, lets get started shall we?

What is Biomedical Science?

Biomedical sciences/ Sains Bioperubatan is actually a multi-disciplinary program that consists of various medical-related courses such as Human Anatomy, Physiology, Genetic, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and the list goes on and on.
Students are provided with knowledge on the human body and health, diseases, treatments and researches.
Students will also be trained with laboratory skills needed by the industry.

Untuk ringkaskan,
subjek biomedik tak jauh beza pun dengan subjek medik.
Bezanya di sini adalah, fokus subjek tersebut.
Medik pastinya belajar dengan lebih mendalam tentang segala jenis penyakit dan rawatan yang ada.
Biomedik pula lebih kepada bahagian diagnosis makmal dan penyelidikan.

Boleh dikatakan doktor bekerja di depan tabir, biomedik pula di belakang tabir.
Tempat biomedik sudah semestinya di makmal.
Bekerjasama gitu.

Tapi, kita taklah terikat dalam membuat kerja makmal sahaja dan tak semestinya kerja kita hanya di hospital.
Banyak lagi peluang kerja yang lain. Nak masuk industry pun boleh. Pharmaceutical, Food or any other companies where we can apply our knowledge. Various positions.
Management, QA and QC executives, sales and marketing, to name a few.
Oh ya, even Forensic too.

Hope you get the rough idea about Biomedical Science.

Why Biomedical Science?

Honestly, I wanted Medic. And it is very common to hear that Biomedic was actually not their first choice. Probably just as their backup if they didn't get into Medic.
Dulu pun aku memang nak medic. But my pointer was not that strong if I want to apply for Medic, so Biomedic it is.
Plus, I have always been interested in the human health and diseases.

And if you have the passion to venture into health-related researches, the ambition to become a researcher in medicine, I think this course is suitable for you.

Can We Change From Biomedic to Medic?

This is for Biomedic in UPM. It is not possible to change from Biomedic to Medic.
Kalau nak jadi doktor jugak, korang kena habiskan dulu 4 tahun Biomedik, lepastu baru sambung Medik.
Tapi kena mula dari Tahun 1 semula. Jadi, jumlah = 9 tahun.

Tapi ada kursus medik yang ditawarkan oleh Perdana University bagi pelajar lepasan degree.
Kursus medik 3 tahun, kalau tak silap.
Tapi hanya untuk lepasan degree. Dan ada biasiswa yang ditawarkan.
You guys can check it out.

Kalau tetap nak jugak ada gelaran doktor, maka sambunglah sampai PhD.
Dapatlah anda gelaran Doctor. 😎


Jumlah tahun pengajian = 4 tahun
Lokasi pengajian = Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan, UPM (sebelah Hospital Serdang)
Subjek-subjek diajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris/English.

Dan ini Senarai Subjek Teras

Dan ini Subjek Elektif

So, ini adalah sedikit sebanyak tentang Biomedical Science. Harap info yang diberi ini dapat membantu adik-adik.
Kalau ada info-info lain, InshaAllah akan ditambah lagi di dalam post ini.

Choose well. Decide wisely.

ALL THE BEST! http://cannotconnectlah.blogspot.com/2015/02/biomedical-science-upm-sains.html
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